
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2020

Post 5

Hi everyone, it's me again! this is my post N°5 on the blog😊. Today, I'm going talk about my "best friend" called Vicente, well, I prefer call him "Vi" for years of friendship.  I meet Vi when both have 7 years old in the school at 2008, he has been with me for 13 consecutive years. I consider him my best friend cause he is so funny, always makes me laugh and happy, even in the bad moments. He is honest, one direct person and I love that cause it is one of the most important thing to me in a friendship. 💗💗 The memories that I have with Vi are infinity, all part of my school was with him, and always we are talking, even in the moments of pandemic, our friendship continues to this day. Thanks for reading me little human <3 I hope you have nice day😸💜