
Post 7

Hi everyone, it's me again! this my post N°7 on the blog, today I'm going to talk about "Changes to my study programme" Mmmh, the truth is that in my university life, in the online context I liked most of the subjects I have taken. But now in this post I will mention one of the things I would change in some subjects.👻👻 Mainly I would eliminate the "transversal" course of my first year since it was very difficult to understand the classes and it just created chaos between all the careers, I consider that this course was very poorly organized.😓 Secondly, I would like to change the system of the "cfg" and "cultural arts" courses because the university always have problems with giving quotas to students. I don't like the organization system because since the first year of my career they told us that they will give us a place for the courses, but it just "blablabla", in the end it always comes to nothing.😶💔💔 Finally, I thin

Post 6

  Hi everyone, it's me again! this is my post N°6 on the blog, today I'm going to talk about "Postgraduate Studies" Well, I'm not  sure what postgraduate I will study cause I think that as time goes by, opinions change. But I think that right now, as I mentioned in my previous post, I would like to study something related to child and adolescent care because I have always been interested in caring for children and adolescents. I feel like it's an idea that I could take when I finish my degree. Mmmh, sometimes I like the idea of studying in another country, but I'm not sure which one I would choose, I would just like to study abroad to travel and nurture my knowledge with new people. Finally, I would like to take this course in face-to-face mode because I miss social interaction and I think that the knowledge acquired would be much better received.💕💕

Post 5

Hi everyone, it's me again! this is my post N°5 on the blog, today I'm going to talk about "My future job". Well, I'm currently studying psychology at university, exactly in my second year. To be honest, I still haven't decided what specialty I will choose in the future, but at the moment I'm interested in psychologically assisting children. Mmm, regarding whether I would work indoors or outdoors, I think I would work indoors because I can see myself sitting in a room listening to my patients. Regarding my current interests, when I imagine the situation, I always think about how good it would be to help heal children's little hearts. This makes me very happy because I would like to be the support of many, considering that young children are the most vulnerable in recent times. I feel that by doing what I like, helping, listening, I will be able to help them have a better life in the future. Being a support to a person that  need helps is a very nice ge

Post 4

  Hi everyone, it's me again! this is my post N°4 on the blog today I'm going to talk about "what's like to study" Well, I study psychology   at Universidad de Chile in the Social Science Faculty, I'm in the first semester of the second year . I choose this career cause I was always interested in it, since I was a little child I liked to help people, especially my friends. For many years I was always convinced to study this career although some people told me to study something like medicine because psychology was not a good career from their point of view . But I decided to choose this one anyway, I think that I followed the course of what my heart wanted. I'm very happy to be able to study what I like but honestly studying online has been very difficult for me, especially because of the difficulties brought by the pandemic. It was difficult for me to learn how to use technological devices like the computer or printer, but now I'm a little more in

Post 3

Hi everyone, it's me again! this is my post N°3 on the blog today I'm going to talk about my mental health related to a lockdown. One of the big problems that the pandemic has brought is stress on everyone. Personally I have a lot of stress inside my home, with university activities like evaluations, home care, taking care of my sister, etc. I'ts hard to me, all this contingence it's not easy because bring me a lot academic problems and sociability problems. Anyways, when I have time, I try to practice exercise with some friends virtually as it helps me a lot to have more energy and motivation, I think it the most important  to have stability. Well, I think that the pandemic has good and bad aspects, but I would like to mention something good within all the bad that exists. Thanks to this pandemic I have been able to grow  up on a personal level, mature and connect with people around me. I believe that for many people this situation has been a hard time, but it has been

Post 2

  The best holidays ever☺ My best holiday was in 2019 when I visited the south of Chile, in Los Angeles. My trip to this place lasted about 1 week cause it was a Study Tour with my class in 4th grade. Now, I'have some friends that I keep since now in 2021 who was in this grade with me and a really special person to me, my boyfriend👫.The activities that I did was playing in the  forest, watching movies and eard horror histories, meet new places that I did not know cause this was my first time there hahaha. Mmm well, I think that trip was the best cause it bring me beautiful moments with some of my friends in this time that are not here with me now so, I recorded this with nostalgia and so much love cause also was the instance for meeting my boyfriend hahah ><💗 It's just a memory that made me happy, and I record with so much love now and for rest of my life.💜

Post 1

A country you would like to visit💗 Hii!, my name is Fran Silva, and I would like to talk about some things that I write in my blog, so I answer this questions:3 Wich country would I like to go to and why? Ohh, It's hard choose just one country for me cause I wanna travel all around the  world haha but the country that I always wanted  to go is Iceland cause I love nature and the way that I manages their cities, just look, is so beautiful! What do you know about it?  I know that their residents buy many books all over the year, they are so good reading and I know that they have a great living system. What would you like to do there? I think that I would like to make so many things when I finally  visit this country but first of all I would like to visit turistics places, all nature places, hahaha sorry but I love those kind of places so much they are so wonderful, also visit restaurants and tasting new food. Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain   Mmm, well I think that